Certain groups of people will have a harder time reaching their daily dose of  Magnesium, thus they are more vulnerable to suffer many medial conditions. At-risk groups include:

  • People with digestive diseases. People who suffer from Crohn’s or irritable bowel syndrome have lower absorption rates than others.
  • People who experience vomiting or diarrhea. Whether you have the flu or experience an allergic reaction, excessive vomiting or diarrhea will deplete the magnesium stores in your body and will compromise the digestive system’s ability to absorb it.
  • People taking certain medications. Certain diuretics, antibiotics and medications (like those used to treat cancer) inhibit the digestive system’s ability to absorb the mineral.
  • Diabetics. Some diabetics are prone to urinate more often than others. Because magnesium is flushed from our body through the kidneys, the more you urinate, the more magnesium your body will lose.
  • People with low blood levels of potassium or calcium. These nutrients and minerals work together to create balance in the body. If you’re running low on either potassium or calcium, you run the risk of becoming magnesium deficient as well.
  • Seniors. The body’s digestive tract changes with age. The older you are, the more prone you are to problems like diarrhea. As a result, seniors run a higher risk of becoming deficient than their younger counterparts do.

If you belong to any of these groups, please don’t wait any longer and take care of your health now, nobody else will do it for you.

Our natural Magnesium Chloride products: Cloru-Mag Plus and Concentrated Oil are available at https://nutriwaysnow.com/shop/.