We would like to share with you this interesting article posted in the site iHealthTube, S.
In a study published in Magnesium Research, Italian researchers examined the magnesium status of people with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease (AD). They found those with low-ionized magnesium levels had the most impaired cognitive function compared to a control group.
The magnesium “ion test” in the study showed low magnesium levels in AD, whereas serum total magnesium levels didn’t show a deficiency. “This serves to confirm that magnesium deficiency overexcites the brain’s neurons and results in less coherence and reduced cognitive function,” said Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, magnesium expert and medical director of the Nutritional Magnesium Association.
“The study also validates the fact that serum magnesium levels are a poor way to diagnose magnesium deficiency and that magnesium ion testing is a far more valid way of testing for magnesium deficiency,” she added. “Magnesium in the blood does not correlate with the amount of magnesium in other parts of your body.”
The connection between magnesium deficiency, the presence of heavy metals and AD cannot be overlooked. As far back as 1990, world-renowned magnesium researcher Dr. Jean Durlach stated: “Magnesium depletion, particularly in the hippocampus (that part of the brain associated with short- and long-term memory), appears to represent an important pathogenic factor in Alzheimer’s disease. It is associated with high aluminum incorporation into brain neurons.”
“Alzheimer’s disease is often misdiagnosed,” said Dean. “Half the people diagnosed with it may, in fact, not have this condition but suffer from brain toxicity due to a lifelong accumulation of toxins, chemicals, poisons and nutrient deficiencies that prevents normal detoxification. While allopathic medicine tries to find the ‘one cause’ for Alzheimer’s and the ‘one drug’ that will cure it, alternative medicine practices detoxification and supplementation to effectively treat this condition.”
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